10 December 2008

Crazy Beads!

Newness at [woo's!]...

[woo's] Crazy Beads Ad copy

Bead necklaces with all sorts of funky names! Each set comes with 3 different lengths on two attachment points for your wearing pleasure. Rather than the usual resize script, I left these mod/copy so anyone into madly modding can layer away even more! (Or tweek single beads of the boobular region, which varies like snowflakes!)

Note that the necklaces lumped together in the ad are actually worn singly or doubly. These were fun to make, so maybe a twisty uber layered version is in the near future!

Stop on down to [woo's!] to check these out. Don't forget my other most recent release:
[woo's] pink choker of doom ad copy

06 December 2008


Poe stopped, and without even thinking, pointed in fear (rather than running).
elves 2_006

"What IS that!?" Poe cried. "Who are these..."

Zombies? Nah. It's those crazy elves drunk on Christmas cheer again...comin to gitcha!

elves 2_008

Out now! The Freak Boutique Gothic Lolita Elf Edition! Let it grab your attention like it grabbed Poe's! (Just don't run away, there is no biting!)

ps...Seems my my ability to take even halfway decent snaps with my sh*t system is declining. Srsly checkum out, these dresses rawk!